About Michael

Michael Strong is a born doodler.
He filled the margins of most of his school work with drawings of all description and usually caught the wrath of his teachers for not paying attention in class. A career in art was inevitable. He studied art in college where he excelled in highly realistic large scale oil paintings.
After college he married his sweetheart Carla. They had their first child, Amanda, and Michael’s home studio gladly became the nursery. He scaled down his art work and switched to paper and colored pencil, his favorite medium to this day. After their second child Colin was born, they moved from their first little house to a bigger house with room for everybody and a studio for Michael.
It was here that he co-opted Carla’s hobby of rubber stamping into his own little rubber stamp company. Working from his home, Michael’s little company has grown and flourished. His work has been published in national magazines and he is the author of two craft books Don’t Throw That Away! and Paper Greenhouse. Michael was lucky enough to make many appearances on The Carol Duvall Show highlighting his love of turning ordinary household ephemera into works of art.
He now appears on TV Weekly’s The Scrapbook Lounge, a web based venue for paper crafting and scrapbooking. Most of Michael’s time now is devoted to traveling around the country and on the high seas teaching rubber stamping to his beloved fellow stampers. His little doodles have become his passion which he happily shares with everyone.